Belltown Antique Car Club
Belltown Antique Car Club. Box 211 East Hampton CT 06424 June 2018 NEXT MEETING Wednesday June 6 2018 at the East Hampton Library at 730 pm. Belltown Antique Car Club Blood Sweat and Gears Car Club. Belltown antique car club . Is a Connecticut Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed On April 8 1968. Connecticut has not increased the capacity guidelines for events on state properties so we ufortunately must CANCEL our Engine Show for this year. Club meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. The business meeting will begin at 130 pm. Belltown Antique Car Club. BACC was founded in 1968 bringing together vintage auto enthusiasts who wished to show their cars share technical knowledge and advance the hobby by embracing new members who shared their passion for the automakers art. Belltown Antique Car Club - PO. - Contact us - Questions thoughts ideas. Bristol Auto Club LTD. - Planning for our Vintage Motorcar Meet in August - Update on activities an...